May 5, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

Thank you so much for caring about our children Elizabeth. We desperately need more allies like you.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

Your essay is so thoughtful and full of information about the many harms of gender ideology on children. I hope that many parents and future parents will read it. At some point their children will encounter this ideology, and many are vulnerable to believing that it's the answer to all their problems. Parents need to start early instilling an understanding that no one is "born in the wrong body," no one can actually change their sex, and there is no right or wrong way to be a boy or a girl!

Thank you, too, for using your artistic gifts to create this beautiful song and video!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

Wonderful essay, Elizabeth. Thank you for providing all the resources that will help people who are just starting their journey of discovery into the facts about this unprecedented epidemic of medical malpractice.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

Beautiful but heartbreaking too.

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A wonderful essay, a wonderful song, and a wonderful video. Thank you very much for all of this. Sincerely, Frederick

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May 20, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

PS I also wanted those white boots in the worst way, but miraculously managed to survive being the only girl in the world (except, i guess, for you) not to get them 😊

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May 20, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

I found your "Icy Storm" in the late afternoon of a day when I saw my 24-year-old daughter who announced just over two years ago that she thought she might be trans. She started injecting testosterone about three weeks later.

Once a very cute, creative, funny, and intelligent girl with many friends, now she thinks she's a man who declares she has no friends. I won't try to describe her condition beyond that. It is too heartbreaking.

And as for heartbreaking... Although both her dad and I are in regular contact with our t trans-identified daughter, her younger sister has cut off all contact and declared that we are "her parents in name only (whatever that means)," largely because we haven't been supportive enough of her sister's transition.

While i listened to your song and watched the lovely video, I felt a wave of peace pour over my distressed body. (It's been a rough week in our personal gender world.). Reading your wonderful post explaining background for your composing the song, I felt some strength seeping in.

I am confident that your work will have an important role in supporting many devastated parents and in opening at least a few minds to what's really happening behind the claims of "kindness."

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