Apr 19Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

History shows us that it's a tiny minority of people who have the courage to follow the truth, whatever the consequences -- and even fewer take a clear, public stand when they know their view runs counter to popular opinion or the doctrines that happen to be intellectually fashionable within their cultural circles. Thank you for being one of those exceedingly rare people who care deeply about what feels most true, even when so many voices around them declare the righteousness of the prevailing creeds based on edict alone, rather than by evidence, reason, and compassion.

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Apr 19Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

Thank you for standing up publicly in such a powerful way, using your music and writing talent to speak out against a medical travesty. The shadow you cast gives courage to others, including me, to stand up as well. ❤️

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A wonderful essay… Thank you very much! Sincerely, Frederick

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Apr 23Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

So well written, Elizabeth! Your words and music are truly a gift to our suffering world. I'm grateful for our enduring friendship.

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Apr 23Liked by Elizabeth Hummel

I embrace your article, Elizabeth. I agree with your views about human rights and moral standards, for humans who are not accepted for being themselves because of sex, race, social position, etc. I am opposed to transgender ideology being taught in our public schools and especially take a firm stance against minors having any drugs or surgery before they cannot comprehend what they are really are doing. My heart aches for people whose children are being taken away because they disagree with the authorities. Our morals are the same even though we don’t share the same religious views. I actually love that about our friendship.

You will always be apart of my tribe, Elizabeth. I’m incredibly thankful for you and your families influence on me during my growing up years. Please keep writing, you are making a difference. You have inspired me to be fearless.

Love you my friend.

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It reminds me of that song Stand by poison which I as a 40 something at the time and stuck with me all these years after . I first discovered Ritchie Kotzen then .. here’s the video : https://youtu.be/F3hmgkPYUuk?si=ikWzQz7qFW0xyX-9

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